Welcome to the National Cybercrime Training Centre (CyTrain). Aim of the project is capacity building focused on combating cybercrimes, impact containment and investigations.
Objectives of CyTrain are Focusing on standardization of course curriculum,
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Online personalised,interactive or virtual education, enabling dissemination of information and provide knowledge as tool for capacity building and optimizing resources.
This training curriculum will provide law enforcement officers with two certifications i.e. I4C Certified Specialist & I4C Certified Expert. Standardized certification can be nationally accepted, recognized and which can be presented in courts.
In order to stay abreast with the latest developments, it is important to forge partnerships with domestic as well as International entities like UNODC, INTERPOL, CEPOL, FBI, EC3 of Europol etc.
In cyberspace, criminals keep on adopting new modus operandi every day and therefore, simulation-based training methodology has to be contemporary. Training courses are more reflective of real-world cases and incidents.
Sample Course Content
Video of CyTrain Portal
CyTrain Statistics
As on 9th of February 2025
Registered Users
Available Courses
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Certificates Issued