Enrolment options
Investigating officers are responsible for investigating cybercrime while also correlating other crimes with cyber evidence.Officers in these cases are required to have sound knowledge related to the technology used by offenders to commit crimes and procedures to investigate such crimes.
Objectives of this course is for these personnel to gain knowledge of following topics:-
- Advanced internet crime investigation including investigation of domain or IP driven crimes, investigation of live and deleted / deactivated websites, content removal procedures, evidence acquisition from webpages, legal noticesand tools for website investigation.
- Advanced email crime investigation including investigation procedures, data retrieval, header analysis, legal notices and tools.
- Advanced social media crime investigation including gathering evidence, sentiment analysis, legal notices and tools for social media investigations.
- Advanced network-based crimes investigations including introduction to network protocols, sources of evidence, data interception, packet level analysis, legal notices and tools for network investigations.
- Offensive investigation methods including understanding CVEs, VAPT, web application security including SQL injection, XSS and using pre-built tools for investigation and cautions while undertaking such investigations.
- Anti-forensic crime investigation including criminal MO, understanding cryptography, hashing, steganography, digital signatures and certificates, handling anti-forensics media and tools.
- Use of triage forensic artifacts for investigation including brushing of system files, identification of logs and log analysis for various types.
- Cyber-terrorism and dark web including recruitment, spread of propaganda on Internet, understanding botnets, honeypots, crypto currency investigation toolkit, search engine and other tools for dark-web investigation.
The prerequisite for this course is Digital Forensics Track – Intermediate Level Course.
You will be enrolled in this course when you complete course Investigation Track: Intermediate Course